purifying plants

Air-purifying plants for your home

Give your home a healthy detox and breathe better life with these beautiful air-purifying plants.

Peace Lily

A happy green plant with a touch of classic white flowers, Peace Lily is an easy to tend air-purifying plant you can place to brighten up the corners of your home.

Spider Plant

Spider Plants are easy to grow and maintain. It can survive in any condition and thrive under indirect sunlight. Also, shoots out tiny spiderettes dangling from adult spider plants.

Snake Plant

A native common plant in Asia that’s also called the Mother-in-Law’s tongue. It can grow well despite neglect, so make sure not to overwater it for it flourishes in dry conditions.

Areca Palm

Aside from having lush long leaves, this plant is also non-toxic to pets and are best for spacious spots of any home. Take note that it needs lots of water during summer season to beat the heat.

Aloe Vera

An evergreen perennial, this succulent plant is also good in purifying the air of any place and has many beneficial uses such as using its gel to relieve sunburn, heal wounds, hair growth, skincare and keeping a fresh produce.

Monstera Plant

Its aesthetic big leaves made this plant a favorite for plantitas and plantitos. Also called the Swiss Cheese plant because of its natural holes, Monstera Plants are easy going detoxifying plants that need balance between sun and shade to keep it alive and are generally pest-free.

For more tips on indoor gardening for your home, check this out.

Source: https://www.bhg.com.au/best-air-cleaning-plants

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